Today I thought we would talk about getting inspired to actually achieve goals in your business and your live. One way to do this is by using journals and planners, I love to think of these as your creative inspiration.

At the end of last year I decided to jump on an idea that kept spinning around in my head. That was to create journals, planners and printables and sell them with editable rights. Why editable rights you might ask? Well, many people either don't have the time or inspiration to create their own products from scratch. By having a template to work with, my people are finding their creative inspiration just waiting to pop out!

One wonderful thing I have received since November is having some of my customers either calling me at home, or sending me personal emails. One lady that phoned, just to say thank you, ended up chatting for half an hour. Some of the emails contain words of thanks and appreciation. Most have told me that my journals and planners are indeed creative inspiration to them. This is just awesome and I am so glad I took the leap and jumped into a different business venture.

I have created several new products since November. My first one is Journal Prompts Monthly, which is a low priced membership. It features a set of journal prompts, one for each day of the month. The purpose of these prompts is to inspire my customers to become creative with their journal entries.

creative inspiration

Let's take a look at one more closely.

Here's a journal prompt from one of my packs:  Describe your ideal winter scene in detail

This is what I would write:

My ideal winter scene is that of enjoying a nice roaring fire in an old fashioned fireplace. Huge logs have been burning since early morning to keep the chill out of the house. The fireplace is the kind that has a huge stone mantle across it, where you can hang your stockings from and decorate with boughs of cedar. When I look outside the window I see pine trees sparkling in fresh snow, and snow flakes gently floating down. The snow isn't deep yet, and if I look closely I can see the tips of big pine cones that are not covered in snow yet.  Further back, if I strain my eyes I see a movement..could it be a deer trying to find food and shelter? Or is it a fox or a wild turkey passing by. 

Back indoors if I shut my eyes I smell wonderful odours from the kitchen. It's almost Christmas and mom is baking cookies and mince pies. At her side is a glass of wine, slowly being sipped as she moves around the kitchen. It's so nice to have family home for the holidays. Old fashioned Christmas Carols are playing softly and our two dogs are busy hunting down crumbs as they sniff around the room. 

You would then go on from here.

I also include Fun Words in my packs. The aim of these is to try and include as many of them in your journal posts as you can for the month.

Some of the words were: logs, fireplace, cold, winter, early morning, cookies

If you look back at the journal entry you can see how I included those in there. These words help with your creative inspiration and help you write a journal entry that comes alive in your hands.

Inside your monthly journal prompts pack you will find a list of National Holidays and events. The way to use these is to try and find content that works around the theme and then write a blog post about it. Or, if you prefer, create a small snippet and post on social media. We also include either a set of social media images or another graphic such as Christmas Cards.

Of course, you don't have to use all of the journal prompts, but they are perfect when you get stumped for ideas.

Another way to use this pack is to offer it to your customers.

Here's how you would do this.

You would open the Word Documents and then brand them with your colors and/or logo. Add any other information you would like and then save the documents as a PDF file. Then you can either give or sell this to your customers. You can create an Opt In Form on your blog and give it out that way, to help build your list. Or attach it to an email and send it to all of your subscribers.

The idea with Editable and Brandable content is that it's a huge time saver. By using it each month you have one new product to hand out or sell each month. You don't even have to use all the contents. You might like to just create your own journal prompts pack to sell each month, and then use the other components in your business. The calendar can be used to plan ahead and the holidays for inspirational posts that match the events going on that month.

We have just added new content to our Journal Prompts Monthly, feel free to check out the latest pack here. 

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  1. Fran Watson says:

    Sue your Daily Prompts are fun. I got some excellent ideas when I hit Day 5 and found some wonderful images to add to it. I got so into it that I almost forgot I had some counselling calls to make…………hey, wait a minute. Maybe I can incorporate some of these journals into a handout for my clients…………another idea….


    1. Sue Fleckenstein says:

      Hi Fran, so glad you are enjoying the prompts, always try to make them fun. A handout sounds like fun.

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