Good Morning

We enjoyed a wonderful walk yesterday and Sakima had his first paddle in the lake and we even saw people out fishing.

I just found out about a new Easter Sale that I wanted to let you know about.

Di from PLR Planners is running a 25% off sale on her store from today until April 18th.

Use the code EASTER2022 to save 25%, can be used multiple times and go shopping here:

Don't forget to checkout our new set of Canva KDP Templates in the store. If you have any Canva specific requests please let us know.

Canva KDP Templates – Coupon KDPCANVA saves you $5 until Saturday at Midnight PST.

Here's what you get in the pack:

Canva KDP Sizes

Then the various page layouts. These will easily help you create your planners and journals to speed up the time it takes to get your books completed.

Canva KDP Templates

Pick up your copy here: Canva KDP – Coupon KDPCANVA saves you $5 until Saturday at Midnight PST.

Tomorrow we release our May content for our Monthly Inspiration and Journal prompts membership. Each pack comes with a training video with ideas on how to use the templates, usually runs around 15 mins.

New releases:

There are several new products out and here's a quick run down of them.

From Jan a Declutter My Home Planner – who doesn't need this and it pares perfectly with a Spring Cleaning Planner.

Melanie has a new set of Daily Planner Templates in a Wellness Plant theme. – No coupon required.

Sheila from Pretty Printables has released a new Mother's Journal and Planner. Great for Mother's Day and then change the theme to create new versions.

Mother's Journal – Save $20 until April 15th

Jay as some Coloring Keyhole designs on sale, a unique and different concept. Check out his freebie poster if you haven't purchased from him before.

Coloring Keyhole Poster

Rayven has a set of Houseplant coloring pages, goes great with the Wellness planner above.

See those here: Houseplant Coloring – Coupon PLANTS

Each month this year I am putting a blog post together about one of my students/customers who is taking action. This month I feature Marcy and you can read all about her journey here:

April Spotlight

Ez Pub Profits – it's just $10 a month and you get a great report and several interiors each month. Love this for ideas and they work 2 months ahead, so the April report is focusing on products for June.

Have a fantastic day and enjoy the sun if it's shining for you!

P.S. See our line of Simple Templates

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