Good Morning
Today we have just released the new Pretty Printables Content to club members. Each month you get 10 templates split into two categories and the themes this month are: Mystical Animals and In the Woods.
Here's a preview of some of the layouts, these come in PowerPoint ready for you to edit and use. All templates are sized at 8.5 x 11 inches.

Latest pack in our store: 90 Day Growth Plan
New Release tomorrow: Our Family Planner - this is a 70 page Gnome themed planner in PowerPoint and Canva.
Notion Made Easy in this course Arun has simpliefied using Notion into quick easy tutorials. This will help you create a dashboard to keep your organized.
Faith has a new membership out which I joined to get accountability: Do it with Faith, it's just $9 per month and there's a ton of value for the money.
Check it out: Do it with Faith
More from Marcy! If you want to learn even more about creating printables using Midjourney.
Midjourney Masterminds for Halloween Printables Zoom. This is a live zoom mastermind for Aug 6th at 2pm est. There will be recordings.
Coupon midjourney50 - 50 % off to Aug 2nd.
Plus she has: Midjourney Mastermind for Holiday Printables
Midjourney Mastermind for Holiday Printables 101
Learn to make festive clipart with Midjourney!
Coupon code is half off
Totally appreciated, thank you! Off to try and find shoes, I need a wide width so it's super hard sometimes and for walking shoes I often have to get mens. So lets see what I can find.

P.S. Get 40 Etsy Listing Credits for your new shop here