Have you thought about keeping an anxiety journal and not sure of what type of template to use? While there are many depression, stress and anxiety journal templates available, it's better to start off with a good understanding of why you should consider using these templates.
Read our blog post for more general information on the top benefits of journaling for mental health and anxiety issues first. Then you can discover the best recommendation for anxiety journal templates. These were created to help enhance a soothing mood while journaling.
Journaling for Mental Health Benefits
Journaling has proven to be a particularly useful tool in improving mental health. You can gain a lot of benefits by journaling regularly, and it's easy to integrate into your daily routine.
Anxiety Journaling
Journaling is a great way to manage anxiety and stress. Writing out your thoughts and worries instantly releases your tension and anxiousness.
You will feel better when you write down your problems because the act itself relieves you from stress. As a result it helps to Identify the issues you are experiencing
Give journaling a try if you're struggling with anxiety and stress and see if it can help you to calm down.
Journal Prompts for Anxiety
Journal prompts are a great starting point for writing about anxiety.
Use these prompts, as inspiration:
- Write about your biggest fear?
2. Which thoughts and fears have filled my head in the past week?
3. Are my bad dreams causing anxiety?
4. What has triggered my anxiety?

Using a Daily Journal Template
There are several benefits to using a daily journal template:
They often contain prompts
Have an easy to follow daily layout which is appealing to the eye
Contain soothing colors and graphics
Much nicer than staring at a blank sheet of paper.
Journaling for Depression and Anxiety
Journaling can help boost your mood, and that's one of the simplest benefits. Health professional often recommend it to help people deal with depression and anxiety.
On the other hand, a freewriting journal lets you give voice to all your worries, which makes you feel better as soon as you finish.
You can keep a journal of any type, and it can really help you feel happier and even combat mild depression.
Mental Health Journal Ideas
Journaling can often uncover things you didn’t realize about yourself. It’s always so easy to keep thoughts and feelings bottled up inside us. With journaling you open up new possibilities and allows you to know and understand yourself better.
Mental health often exposes mood swings, keeping a journal can allow you to see why and when your moods change. What triggers them and why. Understanding all of this allows you to start living a more fulfilled life.
Instead of feeling depressed all the time, you can go back into your journal and find those days when you felt more confident. You can identify any toxic situations and can learn to avoid them. All of this will eventually help you enhance your emotional wellbeing.
Keeping an Anxiety Notebook
Whether you prefer to use a traditional journal or one such as an anxiety notebook, created for that specific purpose. The choice is yours. The main idea here is to get into the habit of writing daily. Put your thoughts on paper whether they are due to depression, stress, anxiety or a combination of them all.
Undoubtedly a majority of our unhappiness and anxiety that we are feeling in our life, comes from problems we are experiencing. The downside to dealing with any type of mental health illness, is that it makes it harder to figure out just how to solve those problems. This can leave you going around in circles with your thoughts and making your problems worse.
Journaling or using an anxiety notebook can make it clearer to find your reasons and to break them down into smaller parts. This can help with problem solving and allow you to come up with solutions that work.
Depression Journal Prompts
Depression can be severe and have dire consequences. Using journal prompts can help alleviate your past pain and trauma. This is why it’s beneficial to use tools such as prompts, journals and notebooks.
Journaling for depression and anxiety is seen as a tool to help you deal with your issues. Journals allow you to explore what has happened in your past. It brings up feelings that you may have been hiding. As well using a journal can allow you to tackle your problems head on, now that you are more aware of what is causing them. Mental health is not something you want to run away from.
Printable Anxiety Worksheets Pdf
Another tool to use is a set of printable anxiety worksheets, which come in PDF format. Guided journals and worksheets and used to identify your problems.. Basically you fill in answers to the questions. Again, this often brings out hidden realizations. An anxiety journal template can easily be turned into a PDF. Just use the Save as command on the file and choose the PDF option.
Writing About Anxiety
Keeping a journal and writing about anxiety, depression and stress helps to identify overall behavior patterns and or habits. As we all know, to become a better person, we often need to improve our habits and our behaviors.
It is hard to do that when you don’t understand what your behaviors are. Writing about them can bring them to light. You might see patterns emerging that you weren’t aware of. In any case it makes it much easier to see what needs to be changed, and how to change them.
Benefits Of Journaling and Next Steps
With this in mind the above are just some aspects and benefits of journaling. Remember you don’t have to spend hours a day writing in your anxiety notebook or journal. Just a few minutes a day can have both physical and mental health benefits for you. Meanwhile, just try to journal on a regular or daily basis, the benefits are indeed amazing.
Above all, if you haven’t tried journals for mental health, now is the time to give it a try. We have found some great Anxiety Journal Template packs.
As a good example the Living with Anxiety is a pack of content which contains a gorgeous anxiety template, that comes in color, black and white and as a no graphics image. Just use any of the templates that you prefer. The anxiety templates do come as PowerPoint files, so you could use this for your clients or use in your business. Just add your own branding to it, and publish it as your own content. The pack comes with a Commercial Use License, that allows you to just that.

However, if you are not really looking for a pretty journal you may prefer a pack of journaling prompts. Simply use one each day as a writing prompt to get those thoughts and feelings flowing onto paper. In conclusion check out this pack of 200 Anxiety Stress Journal Prompts:.
There are numerous journal and anxiety template packs to be found in our store.
You can find more information on Mental Health here.