Happy Wednesday,
I hope you had a wonderful Valentine's Day. We went out shopping for a new riding lawn mower, definitely can't afford those crazy prices to have it cut again. Have our eye on one and the dealer is going to get it out onto the sales floor so we can sit in it and actually see it.
Super Excited for this!
Today is the moment when I feel like a proud mama with the launch of our biggest ever Meet the Action Takers Bundle. We have 22 products in total with a value of over $500.
This bundle is themed 'For Mom', did you know there is more than one Mother's Day around the world? Now is the time to get these products into stores.
Mother's Day U.K. March 19th
Arab Countries March 21st
Canada & US May 14th
Parts of Europe the last Sunday of May or first one in June
Pick it up here for just $17 while it's on sale.
Sasha is a top rated Etsy seller and she has just released a set of 15 Commercial Use Printable templates that you can use to create products for your Etsy store. Plus she gives you tips on how to customize them, this comes in the form of an 11 page guide with SEO tips. I just picked this up myself.
Templates can be customized in the free version of Canva. Pick this up with the link below and let's do a Co-Working Session on Zoom to get things done! I will hold the Zoom after the Bundle sale goes live.
Ruth's sale ends tomorrow:
Watercolor Journal Templates & Clipart, Vol. 2
- 15 Watercolor Digital Papers
- 15 Background templates in 3 sizes
- 15 Journal Templates
- 150 Butterfly Clipart
- 150 Flower Clipart
Coupon Code: SAVE20 saves $20 through February 16
Have a fabulous Wednesday!