Daily Planner: Free Sample
Brought to You by Createful Journals
Try our free sample of Our Daily Planner - It's Free

Our Daily Planner comes in an easy to use PowerPoint Template so you can brand the planners with your logo & URL. You can even change the colors if you wish. If you prefer to use them right out of the box we have supplied you with a PDF version as well.
Ideas for Using Our Content
We provide you with Editable & Brandable content: What this means is that you don't have to start your journals & planners from scratch.
Instead we provide you with templates that you can edit.
All you need to do is brand with your logo, banners or website colors to create a consistent look.
You then simply save the content into a PDF version and give that new version to your client & customers.
And yes, you may sell your new products as well.
We just ask that you DO NOT give or sell the source documents, the PowerPoint Templates.
You may use this content for:
Download your Daily Planners Today and take our content for a test drive!
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To Your Journaling Success
Sue Fleckenstein/Createful Journals