Createful Covers
Cover Creation Simplified!
Createful Covers
Creating journals in PowerPoint is a hot trend right now. So it only makes sense to start creating your journal covers inside PowerPoint as well.
Introducing our brand new line of Editable, PowerPoint templates.
Each template has been created using current KDP sizes, we have guidelines set for the trim areas, logo and spine. Just add your own title, author logo and any additional graphics, save as a PDF and your covers are ready to upload.
These covers will work with planners/journals up to 120 pages and you can customize them to fit your journals' needs!
This pack contains:
Watch this video to see how easy it is to use these templates.
Please note we will also be adding these videos to your members account for easy reference.
Please note: the graphics contained in these templates are for the purposes of creating covers only. They may not be extracted or used in any other product.
PowerPoint & Full JPEG Formats
The last two covers in the image can be colored in to help you create a unique cover.

These two covers can be colored in - perfect for activity type books.

PowerPoint files come with a place holder for the bar-code and Spine Area Text - both can be easily removed if not required.

Playful Pets N Pals Bundle 02
This new pack contains 10 covers with a wonderful kids theme - Playful Pets N Pals.
Covers are delivered as editable PowerPoint files. They work well with journals & planners up to 120 pages and you can customize them to fit your needs!
All of our covers come in 6 x 9, 8.5 x 11, and 8 x 10 sizes. All sizes come with PowerPoint files, full JPEG, and split JPEG formats.
The split or individual JPEG files, back, front and spine makes it easy to resize for larger books. Use for spiral bound journals or use to create divider pages for your printables packs.
Please note: the graphics contained in these templates are for the purposes of creating ecovers only. They may not be extracted or used in any other product.
Split JPEG Formats

Plus 4 Bonus Covers
We had so much fun creating these covers that we ended up with more than we needed. Of course you benefit! Get these at no extra cost when you purchase this pack today.
Cover #2 can be colored in and would make a great kids activity book!

New: Digital Papers - JPG Files

Order Your Createful Covers today!
Thank you from Createful Journals!
Please Note: You may use these templates to create covers for your journals and planners. The images that are included in the templates are for the sole purpose of creating covers and they are not to be extracted and used in different designs in any way.
The actual individual templates/pages or graphics are NOT to be resold or given away in any manner. If you would like to offer the pages as is, please sign up to our Affiliate Program and share with your friends.
To Your Journaling & Planner Success
Sue Fleckenstein/Createful Journals
Refund Policy
Please note there are NO refunds as this is a Digital Download that comes with a Commercial/ PLR license. The package is clearly outlined on the sales page.
You may use this product for commercial use - to create new journals and planners to sell on e-commerce platforms, self publish or for clients.
You MAY NOT sell this to other authors with PLR or MLR rights.
Once you purchase, you will receive a link to download your files. Your files are kept inside your members area, for as long as you remain a member.
If you have any questions please email me at You may view our full license details here.